How much is Canadian Dollars (CAD) to Naira in Black Market 2024

How much is Canadian Dollars (CAD) to Naira in Black Market 2024

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Do you have Canadian Dollars that you would wish to convert to Naira using the black market rate? This article will show you the difference between Canadian dollars and the normal dollar. The Canadian dollar is the official currency of Canada and also makes use of the symbol $ however, CAD is used to refer to the Canadian dollars.

According to our research, Canadian dollars is selling at which is a bit lower than the normal dollars. This is the black market rate meaning that if you have 1 Canadian dollar(CAD) you would be given 1210. As you all know, the rate is not steady meaning various Bureau De Change[BDC] Operators have various prices and February, March and April etc Exchange will never be the same

The buying rate is slightly lower than the selling rate and the price is 1160. This implies that if you want to get 1 Canadian dollars, you would have to pay that amount.

Canadian Dollar to Naira in the black market rate

Amount In Canadian Dollars [CAD]Amount In Naira []

The selling rate is 1210 meaning that if you need 1CAD, you would need that amount to purchase it from the black market operators. The CAD is not listed on the CBN currency exchange page.

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